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Center Grove High School

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Simon Youth Center Grove Academy


Simon Youth Center Grove Academy understands that some students work better in a non-traditional school setting and can be more successful working at their own pace via blended learning. The Academy affords Center Grove students the opportunity to take full responsibility of their own learning, give back to their community, and acquire essential skills that will aid them in their future endeavors. The path they choose is up to them, and, while that path may not be easy, SYCGA simply strives to assist students to help them in their future endeavors.

  • Online curriculum – SYCGA students pace themselves and may earn a Center Grove General or Core 40 diploma!
  • Smaller class size – SYCGA follows the student/teacher ratio mandated by the IDOE Alternative Education guidelines which is 15:1.
  • Personal responsibility – Students at SYCGA realize right away that they are in control of their education. They can work on their classes anytime and anywhere. Taking ownership of one’s education empowers students to achieve success!
  • Service to their community – There is a real world outside the doors of SYCGA and students are able to see, first-hand, the role they can play and affect they can have on those they may or may not know. Giving back to their community is an essential component of a SYCGA education.

Simon Youth Center Grove Academy | 2717 South Morgantown Road | Greenwood, IN 46143 | 317.881.0581